Caring Unlimited

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Celebrating Pride and Providing Services to All

As the domestic violence resource center serving all of York County, Caring Unlimited is committed to being welcoming, affirming of all members of our community, and providing supportive services to anyone who needs them. 

Individuals experiencing domestic abuse and violence face many barriers to safety.  They are subject to a variety of tactics asserted by the person causing them harm to hold power over the individual, limit their autonomy, and isolate them from natural supports such as family and friends.  

Survivors who identify as LGBTQ+ may experience additional tactics intended to keep control over them and prevent them from accessing the supportive services offered by Caring Unlimited.  These unique tactics include (but are not limited to): threatening to out the person experiencing harm, isolating them from LGBTQ+ spaces or limiting interactions with their community, and using homophobia, biphobia, transphobia, etc. against them. 

They may be told that Caring Unlimited’s services are not for them, or that they would not be believed. 

We also know that traditionally marginalized groups, such as LGBTQ+ folks, have been historically underserved and/or excluded from services developed for and by cisgender and heterosexual people.  Accessing the civil justice system, engaging law enforcement, or interacting with child protective services may generate different and unique considerations or fears for LGBTQ+ survivors that may discourage or prevent them from utilizing these systems. 

At Caring Unlimited, we include the image of the progress flag on our materials to demonstrate to folks in our community who identify as LGBTQ+ that our services are available for them.  We recognize and value the unique identity of each person we serve, and provide individualized services tailored to meet the unique needs of survivors from the LGBTQ+ community. Through the month of June, we are proud to celebrate Pride alongside the LGBTQ+ community, to raise awareness about our services, and help us ensure that survivors know our services are here for them.